Tubo's melo voice sooths his audience.

He is wearing a simple leather sandals and shorts while sitting on a high stool on the slightly elevated stage.

His soulful brown eyes shuffle between his audience and fixing his arms that are strumming his guitar.

The whole section of the club's bar section soaks with his soft rock tunes.

Heads are nodding in unison to the rock music and soon the applause from the pleased audience rises.
Tubo bows in response and flashes his cute white set of teeth once he's done with his performance.

This happens to be his third time here and they are already making him feel like a celeb.

He prays his other shows will be as good as this one.

Alighting the stage, he strolls to where Tonye is still busy clapping for him even after others are long done. Tubo observes the half cup of champagne on his table and shakes his head.

"Are you trying to mock me or what?"

Tonye's tall frame vibrates as he laughs before siting down.

Tubo laughs too and takes his seat opposite him, placing his guitar close to the wall, at the corner.

He exhales briefly and glances at one of the waiters, serving a couple white rice and big cat fish pepper soup.

The dim club bars light falls on his bronzed toned face while he's wiping them now with white handkerchief from his pocket.

"Tubo how are we going to move tomorrow?" Tonye questions in his throaty deep voice.

"I'll have to get to the studio first. After you would say you don't have money for savings but you have money to spoil yourself!" Tubo eyes him as he tucks his arm into his back pocket and brings out his own wallet.

Tonye taps him to make him notice the lady that frequently sits at the other end of the bar, alone.

Tubo wipes his beards then rubs his high top and slide down to his flat side before slightly getting a view.

Sparse Chit chats floats in low tones around them.

"This elderly lady again." Tubo breathes

"Yes, Tubo this might be your chance" Tonye wisphers winking at him.

Tubo's strong stare at him make him add.

"What? go for it."

"Tonye,you want to watch drama, that's why you're pushing me to it right?"

"See, Tubo, you are more handsome than myself. Who knows she can even help you promote your hit single! Stand up jor!"

Tubo reluctantly lifts himself from the seat, he opens his wallet and counts out some notes.

"Take! Order my own chap man!"

"Forget chap man, Tubo! This is the deal!" Tonye winks at him again and Tubo's face freezes.


He draws close to him and wisphers,

"What if she's a sugar mummy?"

"I'm not letting you go today without approaching her. Go!" Comes Tonye determined voice.

Tubo shakes his head and approaches her table with an unfamiliar feeling of humor enveloping him.

He hasn't done this stuff before. He always people curious of being his acquaintance, not the other way round.

"Good day Ma, you mind if I join you?"

He requests, picking his words while he speaks and slips out a chair to sit on with some sense of boldness. The boldness he just picked up once he gets to perceive the soft feminine scent of her perfume and enthralling female personality. He concludes she has a charming charisma.

"I need no company thank you!" She fires then pouts while swiping her android phone.

He freezes with his arm touching the chair. While blinking his eyes, as a form of recovery sensing he has just hit a brick wall.

He begins to see her in a different light. He begins to wonder staring at this troubled mature lady, deeply, guessing she would be in her late thirties or early forties.

She adjusts her shades staring back at her phone's screen like he didn't exist.

Tubo observes how casually dressed she is in simple black polo and jeans. It's hard for him to ascertain her age and assess her face fully, her dark smooth and shimmery skin.

"What is the problem that has made her this aggressive? Did someone break her heart? Did she divorce her husband?" are the questions ravaging his mind.

She looks up to him with another stare of disgust. Her breath can curse him now.

"Young man, do you mind leaving right away! All these young artists looking for who to help them push their music." She hisses.

He stares around till his eyes meet his friend in the distance who is wearing a confused look. The tension in the air makes him bow in despair.

He gently fixes the chair back in his place. Scratching his full beards in deep thought as he plods towards his friend, ignoring the peering eyes of the club members that cluster in handfuls round the tables.


The Lady's voice prompts him to halt in his tracks. He has to make a U turn to ascertain if his ears aren't failing him.

"I'm sorry I was rude. Please come and have a seat!" Comes her sweet pleading voice. The switch being too swift.

Tubo is torn between going back or retaliating. In his mind Tonye will not have it easy for putting him up to this.

He is ransacking his mind if he has made a reasonable decision. He turns around with his fist tightening a little.

"I'm not like other rugged musicians. You didn't have to conclude I'm one of them!" His deep manly voice shoots up.

She smiles and nods swiftly.

"Sit, it's what you wanted to do and I stopped you"

Her voice sounding so demanding that he has to take his seat again.

"I admire young men like you. Brave and down to earth handsome!" She smiles.

Tubo's eyes widen.

"Ma, I'm not into you, Okay!"

"Okay, I'm also not into you too. So why did you reach out to me?"

"I just thought it nice to say Hi!" Tubo stutters, his startled eyes displaying his confused state. He's trying to figure out why she changed her mind so quickly.

His slight glance at Tonye catches him trying to woo a pretty younger lady in a curvy platinum dress and he shakes his head.

"I can tell your friend is having a good time. Let me buy you a drink!" She alerts him

Tubo nods.


"What would you like to take?"

"Smirnoff ice or Radler " he shoves off

"Your kind of guys go for the cooler drinks anyway I go for the stronger spirits "

"Why?" Tubo inquires trying to focus fully on her eyes behind her shades.

"Why not?" She replies gesturing with both hands.

"What's your name by the way?" She questions as she signals the waiter who races towards them.

"Tubo, you?"

"Just call me Ann "

"Wow, Ann Mrs or Madam Ann?"

"Ann would be fine"

She faces the waiter and he gets to observe the ring on her fingers.

"2 cans of Smirnoff ice and 2 bottles of water"

"Ok ma"

The waiter runs off and his eyes continue to trail the waiter's path.

"Is everything okay?" She prompts him

"Yes" Tubo forces a smile. He is definitely stuck with her.


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