Episode Four The fresh green leaves on the mango trees lining the school's entrance are swaying gently to the cool morning breeze. The sun's rays are yet to get hotter. I shuffle by two ladies leaning on their jeeps, which I presume should be parents of the pupils I coach. I recognize the other lady. The lady with the wig and figure like maltex bottle from the lounge. "Good morning!" I greet mildly praying the other lady doesn't recall my face. I wonder why I'm getting worried when I didn't insult her. "Good morning!" They chorus in return. "Hello my dear" the other one prompts me. She is the plump dark lady who has her voluptuous body well packaged in her knee length denim dress. "You are the one coaching our children in grade 4?" She questions. Her voice, placid. "Yes ma!" I reply smiling molar to molar feeling proud and gaze briefly at the concrete walkway where she's pacing towards ...